Dr. ETIENNE WAMBA Lectures Students on Concepts in Physics and Physical Problem Solving

Our 9th cohort students are this week completing the Skills Phase of the First Block in the academic calendar with a course titled “Concepts in Physics and  Physical Problem Solving” taught by Dr. Etienne Wamba. He has lectured the students on The Classical Motion with Newton’s Second Law & Euler-Lagrange equation; The Electric Field with

Students Begin ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEEK To Learn Business Start-Up Ideas Using “The Fireside Experience”

Despite having great ideas, students experience challenges formalizing their ideas and creating access to funds. These ideas consequently end up being wasted and the opportunity to chart a career in entrepreneurship goes to waste with the idea. AIMS is cognizant of the role STEM skilled entrepreneurs have to play in the development of Africa, and

ARIANE NIDELLE MELI and CALEB SIMIYU KHAEMBA Voted Student Representatives For The 2021-2022 Academic Year

Both students were elected during a voting exercise on November 1, 2021. Ariane Nidelle Meli Chrisko is from Cameroon. She is a student in the Fundamental Science Stream of the Structured Master’s Degree Programme. Caleb Simuyu Khaemba hails from Kenya and is also a student in the Fundamental Science Stream of the Structured Master’s Degree Programme.

Feodor-Lynen Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr. FLORIANE MEFO KUE Lectures Students On Bilevel Optimization Problems and Newton-type Methods

She mounted the podium of the main lecture hall on October 19th, 2021 to give a talk to 9th Cohort students on her research work titled “Bilevel Optimization Problems and Newton-type Methods” To the attentive audience, Dr. Kue gave several theoretical foundations of bilevel programming problems and introduced them to different reformulations as one-level optimization

Ph.D. Research Fellow L.L. DJOMEGNE NJOUKOUE Publishes New Paper Which Extends Stackelberg–Nash Strategy To An Unbounded Domain

This major milestone in research on the Stackelberg–Nash strategy for Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) has been attained by AIMS Cameroon Ph.D. Research Fellow LIONEL LANDRY DJOMEGNE NJOUKOUE in his new research paper titled “Hierarchic Control for a Nonlinear Parabolic Equation in an Unbounded Domain”. The paper was recently published on September 29th, 2021 in the

Les enseignants des mathématiques formés par AIMS-TTP Cameroon travaillent en Cluster dans la région de l’Adamaoua

Le Cluster formé par les enseignants M. Timene Honoré, M. Keunfou Fokou Collince et M. Kouakep Tchaptchié Yannick du collège du Septentrion, Lycée de Burkina, et le Collège Protestant de Ngaoundéré travaille sous la coordination du Cluster Leader M. Fokou. La semaine dernière, ce cluster effectuait une application sur des nombres complexes. “Nous sommes en Terminales.

Yvan Jordan Ngucho Mbeutchou Analyses Analogies Between GRAVITY and FLUID DYNAMICS

The Universe is currently described by two remarkably effective major theories: Albert Einstein’s GENERAL RELATIVITY, portraying the Universe at the macroscopic scale by providing a description of gravitation, and QUANTUM MECHANICS depicting the Universe at the microscopic scale by providing an explanation of the other three elementary interactions, namely: electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear

Research Centre Publishes New Paper on Fractional Differential Relations for the LERCH ZETA FUNCTION

AIMS Cameroon’s Research Centre has published a new paper titled: “FRACTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL RELATIONS FOR THE LERCH ZETA FUNCTION”. The co-authors are the Research Chair Dr. Jean Daniel Djida and maths genius Prof. Arran Fernandez of the Eastern Mediterranean University in Northern Cyprus. The research work was received on April 16th, 2021, revised on July 19th,

Students Introduced To Professional Development & Entrepreneurship

Our 9th Cohort students are now taking lectures in Professional Development and Entrepreneurship. Lectured by Honoré Bernard Youfegnuy and assisted by James J. Njong, the skills course seeks to improve student outcomes by helping them develop the soft skills required to transition into gainful employment upon graduation. “Our objective is to facilitate the discovery of who


AIMS Cameroon began the series of skills courses for this year’s cohort with the traditional course on Mathematical Problem Solving, taught by the much-admired Prof. Ferdinand Ngakeu of the University of Douala on September 18th, 2021. The course which seeks to endow the students with the skills and tools for solving problems by leveraging the