Merlin was born in the northern region of Cameroon (Yagoua). He obtained a Master I in applied Mathematics at the University of Douala (Cameroon), then a Master II in pure Mathematics (analysis) at the University of Yaoundé (Cameroon).
In 2013, he was selected for another Master’s programme in Mathematics and Sciences at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) of Cameroon. While at AIMS, he studied multivariate Bernstein polynomials, and his work and new results were later published as an article. In this work, he first revisited and brought together as a sort of survey, properties of Bernstein polynomials of one variable. Then he extended the results from one variable to several ones, namely: uniform convergence, uniform convergence of the derivatives, order of convergence, monotonicity, fixed sign for the p-th derivative, and deduction of the upper and lower bounds of Bernstein polynomials from those of the corresponding functions.
After his AIMS Master’s degree, he worked as a tutor at this institute (AIMS Cameroon). A year later, he was awarded the DAAD scholarship to do his PhD studies in Germany (University of Kassel) with the following thesis topic: On the Solutions of Holonomic Third-order Linear Irreducible Differential Equations in Terms of Hypergeometric Functions. He is the first Alumnus from African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) of Cameroon to get a PhD. In his PhD he presents algorithms that combine change of variables, exp-product and gauge transformation to represent solutions of a given irreducible third-order linear differential operator L, with rational function coefficients and without Liouvillian solutions, in terms of functions pFq (generalized hypergeometric functions) with p in {0,1,2} and q =2, Bessel square functions, and compositions of Bessel square functions with square root of rational functions.
He also produced an implementation of those algorithms in Maple which is available in his Webpage (https://www.mathematik.uni-kassel.de/~merlin/).
Directly after his PhD, he got an assistant position (2018-2023) at the University of Kassel (Germany).
From 2019 to 2020, he also worked at the University of Kassel (Germany) in the WIPANO project collabo-
ration with the following individual activities:
- Programming their server for scalable WebRTC
- Scientific university degree in mathematics In-depth knowledge of server programming
- Drafting of scientific reports and publications for the above-mentioned project
- Ability to present very complex subjects in a comprehensible and linguistically impeccable manner, graphical
processing and word processing.
In 2023, he completed programming training and obtained ORACLE certification for the following levels:
- Development Expert: Java Entwickler mit Oracle Certified Professional SE (OCP)
- Development Expert: Java Entwickler mit Oracle Certified Associate SE (OCA).
He is currently doing another training Programme in ”IT and Cybersecurity – Software Developer” at the IU
Internationale Hochschule Akademie (Germany). It will finish in June (2024).