Passionné par les outils mathématiques pour le marketing et la gestion des opérations
James est un résolveur de problèmes dynamique doté d'excellentes compétences en communication. Après avoir obtenu une maîtrise en mathématiques pures à l'Université de Buea, James a rejoint l'AIMS-Cameroun pour explorer les applications des mathématiques dans la résolution de problèmes du monde réel. Ce désir de longue date d'utiliser des outils et des techniques de mathématiques dans des problèmes de finance et d'assurance s'est concrétisé à l'AIMS où James s'est vu offrir une série de cours de base en analyse stochastique et en finance.
He later undertook a research project on Weather derivatives and has since submitted the ensuing paper for publication. Whilst at AIMS, James took up another in-house opportunity to obtain a post-graduate certificate in Business Management from the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT-Berlin) within the AIMS- ESMT IIP. The program, James says, prepared him for the business world and gave him adequate tools to find his way through a crowded market place. Prior to AIMS, James explored a passion for leadership and community development through engagements at the University of Buea Mathematics student union, where he served as secretary-general. AIMS, according to James, fortified these skills and experience through the opportunity to serve as the student representative of the sixth cohort at AIMS-Cameroon. He later went on to work as a software developer for the fintech startup WaZaHub in Buea before leaving to join AIMS-Cameroon again, where he supported teaching and coordinating the center’s industry initiative.