Analyse des données de pointe et traitement des estimations de l'infection au COVID-19 en Espagne
Nigerian born Oluwsegin Taiwo Ojo is an AIMS-Cameroon alumnus of the 2015/2016 cohort. He joined AIMS in 2015 after completing a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics in Nigeria. While at AIMS, Taiwo compared the satellite data on radiation obtained from CMSAF with ground data on sunshine hours; used the satellite data to assess how a solar cooker could be used first in sterilizing water for an early breakfast; and finally modelled the daily SIS radiation levels to see how the knowledge of radiation levels of current and past days could help us in saying something about future radiation levels.
After gaining an advanced-level understanding of Mathematics and the theoretical concepts necessary to make sense of probability and statistics at AIMS- Cameroon, Taiwo returned home where he started the grueling task of applying for scholarship positions. In June 2017, he was awarded 02 scholarship positions in Spain and Turkey. Settling for the former, Taiwo became a fully-funded research assistant at the Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados (IMDEA) Networks, a research institute located in Leganes, Madrid, Spain. He also enrolled in the Mathematical Engineering Ph.D. Program of the Universidad de Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) where his thesis research work is focused on Fast Outlier Detection and Visualization Techniques for Functional Data Analysis (FDA). In addition to his work on functional data analysis, he is also involved in other research projects with Prof. Antonio Fernandez Anta and one of these involves the analysis of blockchain data from different popular cryptocurrency platforms. Taiwo is most recently involved in the data analysis and processing aspect of a COVID-19 project where, in collaboration with his supervisor, Prof. Antonio Fernandez Anta, and a team of other researchers from different countries, he writes codes to generate the different estimates of the actual number of people infected with COVID-19 in Spain. This project has been covered in the mainstream media across European countries e.g. on Publico Portugal, DiCYT, El Diario, and El Pais among others.
Taiwo is currently a Postdoctoral research fellow at the UC3M-Santander Big Data Institute, at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and has obtained his Ph.D. in Mathematical Engineering from UC3M and the Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados (IMDEA Networks Institute).