Aspiration à utiliser les mathématiques comme outil de gestion des risques dans les secteurs de la finance et de l'agriculture en Afrique
Aspiration à utiliser les mathématiques comme outil de gestion des risques dans les secteurs de la finance et de l'agriculture en Afrique
Esa Zya is a Mastercard Foundation scholar and alumna of our 2017/2018 cohort. Prior to AIMS, Esa obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics at the Copperbelt University in Zambia, making her one of the first female Zambians to do so
Thanks to training from AIMS-Cameroon, the Zambian Mathematician has successfully co-founded the Agpay Social Enterprise, a start-up that improves access to Finance and Afro-dealers through the use of modern technology. She strongly believes in women’s participation in STEM and aspires to use Mathematics as a tool for Managing risks in the Finance and Agricultural sectors in Africa.