In the current landscape of cosmology, we find ourselves in a paradox. Despite decades of theoretical advancements, our most powerful telescopes and the Large Hadron Collider suggest that the universe is simpler than many theorists expected. This raises an essential question: Could the universe truly be predictable at both the largest and smallest scales? The
News Type : presse
Election of Class Representatives: Class of 2023
An election being one of the essential pillars of democracy, it is through this democratic system that AIMS Cameroon students choose two representatives of their choice who they feel have the capability to become leaders and ensure the class (a cohort of students) actively participates in the management of their educational environment. A transparent election
AIMS-Cameroon welcomes the AIMS Global Network President Prof. Sam YALA
On 16 October 2023, AIMS Cameroon had the honor of hosting Prof. Sam Yala, AIMS Global Network President. Prof. Yala’s visit was a highly anticipated event, and it provided a valuable opportunity for the AIMS Cameroon community to engage with an accomplished professional and gain insights into the world of AIMS Community.The preparations for Prof.
Signature of the Revised Establishment Agreement and Third Memorandum of Understanding between AIMS-Cameroon and the Government of Cameroon
On the occasion of the signing of the revised establishment establishment agreement and the second renewal of the memorandum of understanding between AIMS-Cameroon and the Government of Cameroon, Prof. Dr. Sam Yala, the AIMS Global network President, Prof. Dr. Mama Foupouagnigni, the AIMS-Cameroon President, and members of the AIMS Cameroon team were received in successive
Request For Quotation For New Laptops
The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Cameroon kindly requests your best firm offer for Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Laptops to be delivered at its campus in Crystal Gardens, P.O Box 608, Limbe, South West Region, Quotations should be submitted on or before the 4th of September 2021, 18:00 PM local time. Detailed information can be found HERE
L'AIMS Cameroun accueillera le lauréat de la bourse Humboldt Feodor-Lynen
Limbe, April 05 2021 – The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has awarded Dr. Mrs Floriane Mefo Kue, a mathematician of Cameroonian origin, the prestigious Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship for a two-year research stay at AIMS Cameroon. Dr. Kue will undertake the fellowship from August 2021 at AIMS Cameroon, with the Centre’s President, Prof. Mama Foupouagnigni as
L'AIMS-Cameroun signe un accord de mentorat avec l'Université de Buea
Le directeur académique du réseau mondial AIMS et président du centre d'AIMS Cameroun, le professeur Mama Foupouagnigni et le vice-chancelier de l'Université de Buea, le professeur Ngomo Horace Manga ont signé le 2 février 2021 un accord de mentorat dans le hall de la Faculté des sciences à l'Université de Buea (UB) Le
2021 TWAS Cash Awards aux femmes scientifiques APPEL À CANDIDATURES ACTUELLEMENT OUVERT
L'Académie mondiale des sciences (TWAS) invite tous ses membres, ainsi que les académies des sciences, les conseils nationaux de recherche, les universités et les institutions scientifiques des pays en développement et des pays développés, des candidatures pour les prix énumérés ci-dessous. Les auto-nominations (c'est-à-dire les candidatures) NE SERONT PAS CONSIDÉRÉES. Les candidatures pour les prix énumérés ci-dessous ne peuvent être soumises que par voie électronique via le
Le Programme de formation des enseignants (TTP) de l'Institut Africain des Sciences Mathématiques (AIMS) recherche des prestataires de services pour l'installation et l'ameublement du laboratoire de formation des enseignants AIMS à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Bambili. Intéressé est encouragé à soumettre son dossier pour les différentesactivités. Les devis doivent être soumis au plus tard le
APPEL D'OFFRES PAR AIMS TTP REFERENCE: CE-CM-TTP-RFQ-2021-03-19-Bambili-TTL [Installation et aménagement du laboratoire de formation des enseignants AIMS au HTTC Bambili]
The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Teacher Training Program (TTP) is seeking service providers for the Installation and Furnishing of the AIMS Teacher Training Laboratory at the Higher Teacher Training College in Bambili. Every interested bidder is encouraged to submit his or her quotation for the various activities. Quotations should be submitted on or […]
Lire la suite… from CALL FOR TENDERS BY AIMS TTP REFERENCE: CE-CM-TTP-RFQ-2021-03-19-Bambili-TTL