Prof. Franco Ruzzenenti

Prof. Franco Ruzzenti is an expert inComplex Systems, Network Theory, Energetics, Energy Modelling, Industrial Ecology, Rebound Effect, Finite-Time Thermodynamics, Energy Efficiency, Transport Networks, and Energy Markets. He graduated in Environmental Economics at the University of Siena in 2001. After two years in Oxford studying Biology and Chemistry at Brookes, he obtained a Ph.D. in Environmental

Pr Gisèle Mophou

Gisèle Mophou Loudjom is the head of the German Research Chair at AIMS Cameroon supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. She is also an African Academy of Sciences Fellow. After an Advanced Study Diploma (D.E.A) in Numerical Analysis at the University Paris VI, she obtained her PhD and her Habilition to Lead Research (H.D.R)

Professeur Margaret May

Margaret is a Reader in Medical Statistics with a Ph.D. in prognostic modeling. She is a co-Principal Investigator with Jonathan Sterne for the Antiretroviral Therapy Cohort Collaboration which collects data from cohorts of treated HIV positive individuals in Europe and North America in order to investigate prognosis.  As well as her work on Epidemiology of HIV and AIDS, Margaret is

Dr Frank Kalala Mutombo

Franck Kalala Mutombo is Academic Manager at AIMS Senegal. An AIMS South Africa Alumnus, he completed his honours degree in Mathematics at Lubumbashi University (UNILU), received his Master degree in Mathematics from the University of Paris-Sud, France and completed his Ph.D. in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Glasgow, UK. His research interest are:

Dr Alexandru Cernat

Dr. Alexandru Cernat is a lecturer in Social Statistics at the University of Manchester. Previously he was a Research Associate at the National Centre for Research Methods, University of Manchester, where he investigated non-response in longitudinal studies with a special focus on biomarker data. He has received a Ph.D. in survey methodology from the University

Dr Matteo Lostaglio

Le Dr Lostaglio est titulaire d'un doctorat. en Dynamique Quantique Contrôlée de l'Imperial College de Londres (GB). Il est chercheur postdoctoral à l'ICFO. Son domaine de recherche est en optique quantique.

Professeur Marco Garuti

Marco Garuti est le directeur académique de l'AIMS Cameroun et chercheur à l'Université de Padoue, en Italie. Il a obtenu son diplôme à l'Université de Rome La Sapienza et son doctorat en mathématiques à l'Université Paris-Sud, France. Ses intérêts de recherche portent sur la géométrie caractéristique p-adique et positive; revêtements et groupes fondamentaux.

Pr Mama Foupouagnigni

Prof. Mama Foupouagnigni is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon, and Centre President of AIMS-Cameroon since August 2016, after having been the founding Academic Director of the same Institute. He holds a PhD in Mathematical Physics from the Institute of Mathematics and Physics of the National University of Benin and a

Dr Diletta Martinelli

Dr. Martinelli joined the University of Amsterdam in October 2019. She holds a Ph.D. from Imperial College, London UK and was a postdoctoral fellow at theUniversity of Edinburgh. Her work aims to study effectivity questions on algebraic varieties related to their underlying topology as complex manifolds. She is also interested in positive characteristic methods, moduli

Prof. Martin Eichner

Martin Eichner is Professor at the Clinical Faculty of Tübingen University, Germany. After having done field and laboratory work on Onchocerciasis in Cameroon, he graduated as a Biologist at Tubingen University, where he later earned a PhD in Mathematics. He also holds degrees in epidemiology and medical biometry. Area of expertise: Mathematical modeling of dynamic