While at AIMS Daisy studied decision analysis vs significance testing which plays and important role in decision making in the early phases of clinical trials. In her thesis she compared Frewer’s method to hypothesis testing using p-values. The findings showed that in cases for highly effective drugs, the two methods led to the same decision but the methods led to differing results in less effective and indeterminate drugs. To reconcile this methods, her thesis proposed reporting of both p-values and confidence intervals, and changing the sets of risks in the two methods.
After AIMS, Daisy worked for 1 year as an analyst at BAYI Capital, her roles entailed investment analysis, conducting due-diligence to assess Small and Middle-sized Enterprises (SMEs) investment readiness, and coordinating SMEs scale up activities. She later joined Shamiri Institute as a research associate. Her daily activities at Shamiri revolve around research and data analysis aspects for designing mental health interventions for Kenyan adolescents.