At AIMS, Lamou Rech studied the influence of atmospheric conditions on large-amplitude sea-waves generation and propagation. From Euler’s equations on the non rotated earth, he derived nonlinear shallow water and forced Korteweg-de-Vries equations. He investigated two families of nonlinear wave solutions: solitary-waves and periodic solitary-wave train. From the analytical results, he discussed the conditions for which large-amplitude sea waves are generated and propagated, and illustrated the influence of atmospheric conditions on sea waves amplitude.
After AIMS, Lamou Rech completed a professional master’s degree in Business Administration and Management at Ecole Spécialisée de la Francophonie pour l’Administration et le Management (ESFAM) in Bulgaria, and worked as an Assistant project manager at a consulting firm in Congo. He is currently a master’s student in Atmospheric Science and Technology at the University of L’Aquila, in Italy.