Victoire is a passionate in the fields of data science with a strong academic background in mathematics and engineering. While at Aims, Victoire worked on singer’s identification using Support vector machine (SVM) and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) as the machine learning models. Her work mainly consisted in implementing discrete wavelets transform (DWT) as a feature extraction technique on vocal signals and see if it better performs that Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) which is the common technique used in audio signal.
After graduating from AIMS Cameroon, she worked as data scientist Fellow at at ishango.ai on AI solutions for mental health. Prior to that, she received the Mathematical Science for Climate change Resilience (MS4CR) scholarship with ICRISAT (International crops research institute for the semi-arid tropics).
Currently, Victoire is a Data analyst at ENEO CAMEROON, a national company which produces, distributes and sales electricity to the entire population of Cameroon. Her work consists in analyzing all those data to improve the health of company.
When asked the question “How has your education at AIMS Cameroon influenced your career and personal development over the past years?”, Victoire confidently articulated: “AIMS was the glimmer of hope I needed to keep believing in my scientific career as it gave me all the foundations I needed to tackle the world of data, both academically and professionally. AIMS has indeed taught me to “Never give up”, a slogan that helps me to face up to all difficulties and always give the best version of myself.”