Ghanaian-born Caleb Nurideen Nambyn is an AIMS Cameroon Alumnus of the 2019-2020 Cohort. He is currently an intern with the African Maths Initiative (AMI) in Kenya, working as a climate researcher. His work area includes improving the analysis of extremes and circular data with emphasis on processing African data.
“This work is a continuation of my Co-op internship work with the Ghana Meteorological Agency which sought to empower local meteorological services with skills and training in climate data analysis in areas such as extremes and meteorological data quality control through the use of the statistical software R-Instat.”
Caleb’s current research dwells on the WMO (World Meteorological Organisation) guide on the analysis of extremes in a changing climate that recommends the methodologies for the analysis of climate extremes. “My work primarily focuses on the methodologies for analyzing climate extremes by processing African data and ways to empower local staff meteorological services in Africa (Ghana) with these skills through improvements and facilities from the R-Instat software,” he explains.
In addition to academia, Caleb is also an entrepreneur. “I am the co-founder of Natadi, a business start-up sponsored by the Mastercard Foundation and exploring limitless technology in providing state-of-the-art delivery services in Africa.”
In his drive to impact the continent, Caleb uses every opportunity available to express his gratitude to AIMS Cameroon. “AIMS Cameroon has indubitably equipped me with a wide spectrum of domain knowledge and provided the requisite professional training for work in industry through the AIMS Co-op Master’s program. I will always be eternally indebted to AIMS-Cameroon.”
Today, Caleb can boast of a good academic background and experience. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Actuarial Science from the University for Development Studies (Ghana) and a Master’s degree in Industrial Mathematics, specializing in Data Science and Financial Mathematics from AIMS Cameroon. I also have a background in Insurance, Financial Statistics, and Education. I have over the years gained substantial experience working as an actuarial intern, teaching and research assistant, and as an educator.”
The importance of Mathematical Sciences in the world’s development equation attracted Caleb to the subject. “I got attracted to Mathematical Sciences because it had the answers to the numerous conundrums behind every civilization in human history. I learned from my early stages of studies, the evolution of mathematical sciences as a major driver of development in the world. I am always passionate about mathematical sciences because it provides direct solutions to urgent development problems.”
This passion is inextricably linked to his vision to empower young Africans. “Though Africa is faced with urgent development problems, the advantage is that it has the human capabilities and natural resources to tackle these challenges. However, our difficulty is harnessing and refining these resources to solve these challenges. My vision is to empower other young and independent problem solvers like myself in the African diaspora to take up the clarion call in tackling the development challenges of our nations through Mathematics, Science and technology.”