As climate change and the accelerated population growth have become the key limiting factors for sustainable human resources development and natural systems conservation. And as the steady expand in the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) across the world is continuing, which is the cause of global warming, the probability of occurrence of extreme events such as drought, floods, heat-waves, heavy torrents and wild fires will increase if no commitment is made to reduce the emissions of these gases. While at AIMS, Musab’s goal was to predict the future drought over East Africa. His results show that the Characteristics of drought duration, intensity and frequency will increase in the near future (2041-2070) and far future (2071-2100).
Musab Ahmed appreciates AIMS Cameroon just like the majority of graduates do. He believes AIMS Cameroon improved his personality and adequately prepared him for his future career. “AIMS had a significant influence on who I am now. As a result, I became much more determined to pursue my goals and keep going”, he says.
Before his arrival at AIMS Cameroon in September 2021, Musab had obtained a B.Sc Honours in Physics at Sudan University of Science and Technology in Khartoum-Sudan, in December 2020. He continued as a Teaching Assistant at the same university for 3 months before he joined AIMS.
Musab is currently working as a part time Master student in department of Physics and Teaching Assistant at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals”.