

Request For Quotation For the IT Infrastructure

février 26, 2025

The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Cameroon kindly requests your best firm offer for the installation of IT infrastructure for its permanent facilities  at Ngueme, South West Region, Limbe, Cameroon. The scope of work includes the installation and configuration of various IT components, including but not limited to cable management systems, network equipment, and

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Important Notice: Dr. Jean-Daniel Djida no longer associated with AIMS

Please be advised that Dr. Jean-Daniel Djida is no longer associated with AIMS-Cameroon in any capacity. As such, AIMS-Cameroon holds no legal or professional responsibility for any of his  actions,...

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Article de blog

Celebrating Support and Balance: A Student’s Journey with the Mastercard Foundation

In the life of a dedicated student, the arrival of a little one can bring both joy and challenges. Thanks to the Mastercard Foundation, one remarkable student form Kenya, Lentikaa...

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A New Perspective on the Cosmos: Is Simplicity Key to Understanding Our Universe?

In the current landscape of cosmology, we find ourselves in a paradox. Despite decades of theoretical advancements, our most powerful telescopes and the Large Hadron Collider suggest that the universe...

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AIMS-DFG Collaboration Visits Programme in Mathematical Sciences

A call for applications for collaboration visits to Germany and Africa is open for AIMS researchers who might be interested. The AIMS-DFG Collaboration Visits Programme in mathematical sciences promotes mobility...

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The AIMS-Cameroon Science Communications Challenge 6th Edition!

We are excited to kick off the sixth edition of our Science Communications Challenge today June 11th! This annual event is designed to enhance our students’ ability to communicate complex...

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Celebrating Women in Mathematics Day: Empowering the Next Generation

In honor of the Women in Mathematics Day (May12), an event was organized to celebrate the accomplishments of women in the field of mathematics and to inspire future generations. The...

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Empowering Mathematics Education: Successful Training of Cluster Leads in Bertoua

AIMS Cameroon continues its dedicated partnership with the Ministry of Secondary Education (MINESEC) in Cameroon to enhance Mathematics education in secondary schools. From May 15th to 17th, 2024, AIMS TTP...

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Investing in Limbe’s Public Service Workforce

From May 21 to May 23, 2024, AIMS-Cameroon hosted a three-day training program specifically designed for public service workers in the city of Limbe. This initiative aimed to equip participants...

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Prof. Marco Garuti Awards

Established during the memorial ceremony held on August 21, 2021, in honor of the late Professor Marco GARUTI, Professor Marco GARUTI Excellence Awards is  a collection of two (02) Excellence...

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A New Perspective on the Cosmos: Is Simplicity Key to Understanding Our Universe?

In the current landscape of cosmology, we find ourselves in a paradox. Despite decades of theoretical advancements, our most powerful telescopes and the Large Hadron Collider suggest that the universe...

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Election of Class Representatives: Class of 2023

An election being one of the essential pillars of democracy, it is through this democratic system that AIMS Cameroon students choose two representatives of their choice who they feel have...

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AIMS-Cameroon welcomes the AIMS Global Network President Prof. Sam YALA

On 16 October 2023, AIMS Cameroon had the honor of hosting Prof. Sam Yala, AIMS Global Network President. Prof. Yala’s visit was a highly anticipated event, and it provided a...

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Signature of the Revised Establishment Agreement and Third Memorandum of Understanding between AIMS-Cameroon and the Government of Cameroon

On the occasion of the signing of the revised establishment establishment agreement and the second renewal of the memorandum of understanding between AIMS-Cameroon and the Government of Cameroon, Prof. Dr....

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Request For Quotation For New Laptops

The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Cameroon kindly requests your best firm offer for Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Laptops to be delivered at its campus in Crystal Gardens, P.O Box 608, Limbe, South...

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L'AIMS Cameroun accueillera le lauréat de la bourse Humboldt Feodor-Lynen

Limbe, 05 avril 2021 - La Fondation Alexander von Humboldt a décerné au Dr Mme Floriane Mefo Kue, mathématicienne d'origine camerounaise, la prestigieuse bourse de recherche Feodor Lynen pour un ...

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L'AIMS-Cameroun signe un accord de mentorat avec l'Université de Buea

Le directeur académique du réseau mondial AIMS et président du centre d'AIMS Cameroun, le professeur Mama Foupouagnigni et le vice-chancelier de l'Université de Buea, le professeur Ngomo Horace Manga ...

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2021 TWAS Cash Awards aux femmes scientifiques APPEL À CANDIDATURES ACTUELLEMENT OUVERT

L'Académie mondiale des sciences (TWAS) invite tous ses membres, ainsi que des académies des sciences, des conseils nationaux de recherche, des universités et des institutions scientifiques, des candidatures aux prix énumérés ci-dessous ...

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Le Programme de formation des enseignants (TTP) de l'Institut Africain des Sciences Mathématiques (AIMS) recherche des prestataires de services pour l'installation et l'ameublement du laboratoire de formation des enseignants AIMS à ...

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Chanson de bienvenue du PDG d'AIMS par les étudiants de l'AIMS Cameroun

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Message du PDG d'AIMS à l'occasion de la célébration de la Journée internationale des femmes et des filles dans la science.

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Film AIMS pour l'Afrique

L'Institut africain des sciences mathématiques (AIMS) est un réseau panafricain de centres d'excellence qui permet aux étudiants les plus brillants d'Afrique de devenir des innovateurs qui propulsent l'autosuffisance scientifique, éducative et économique.

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AIMS- Le programme de formation des enseignants (TTP) lance une clinique de mathématiques

Le programme de formation des enseignants AIMS (TTP) lance son programme d'engagement du public, la clinique de mathématiques, dont le but est d'améliorer l'appréciation et la prestation des mathématiques parmi les enseignants et les étudiants.

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