The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, AIMS CAMEROON, on the 25th of January 2018, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with L’Institut Africain d’Informatiques – IAI. This signing took place at the Higher Teachers Training College, Yaoundé, home to AIMS Teachers Training Project (AIMS TTP) headquarters.
Mr. Abanda, Director of the IAI, Cameroun and Prof. Mama, Centre President of AIMS Cameroon both expressed their contentment of this partnership as they envision it to be a great tool for development in the country.
Prof Mama Foupouagnigni mentioned that AIMS teaches Mathematical Sciences that will enable Africa’s brightest students to flourish as independent thinkers, problem solvers and innovators capable of propelling Africa’s future scientific, educational and economic self-sufficiency.
Mr. Abanda on the other hand, told the ever attentive audience that IAI trains in Information Technology to produce high level technical staff that will cater to and solve the socio-economic needs of the country for harmonious national and sub-regional development.
With both Institution’s missions at the heart of imminent development of the country via Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, both AIMS’ and IAI’s representatives confirmed this partnership will solidify mutual capabilities, reinforce academic reciprocity and ensure support for imminent development.

With the 2nd batch of In-service teacher’s training going on, Prof. Mama also gave an apercu of the impact this signing with IAI will have on their training especially with the online training segment and incorporation of ICT in their Math Lessons. They were pleased to hear, IAI will be conducting basic ICT training sessions for these secondary school mathematics teachers in Yaoundé and in other regions of Cameroon).
This new partnership will also allow students from both Institutes exchange and share resources that will lead to joint projects in the field of research, technological innovation, popularization of science.

IAI and AIMS join forces to create public awareness and popularization campaigns on the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and ICT. With this unity in sight, there is an assurance of an emerging Cameroon come 2035.