Staff members

Staff Members List

Publications List of Academic Staff

  1. M. Foupouagnigni, W. Koepf, D. D. Tcheutia and P. Njionou Sadjang, Representations of q-orthogonal polynomials, Journal of Symbolic Computation 47 (2012) 1347-1371
  2. M. Foupouagnigni, W. Koepf and D. D. Tcheutia, Connection and Linearization Coefficients of the Askey-Wilson Polynomials, Journal of Symbolic Computation 53 (2013) 96 -118
  3. I. Area, J. Losada, Faical Ndairou, J.J. Nieto and D.D. Tcheutia, Mathematical modeling of 2014 Ebola outbreak, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (2015), DOI: 10.1002/mma.3794
  4. D. D. Tcheutia, M. Foupouagnigni, W. Koepf and P. Njionou Sadjang, Coefficients of multiplication formulas for classical orthogonal polynomials, Ramanujan Journal 39 (2016) 497-531, DOI: 10.1007/s11139-015-9682-z
  5. D. D. Tcheutia, P. Njionou Sadjang, W. Koepf and M. Foupouagnigni, Divided-difference equation, inversion, connection, multiplication and linearization formulae for the continuous Hahn and the Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials, Ramanujan Journal 45 (2017) 33 – 56, DOI: 10.1007/s11139-016-9870-5
  6. D. D. Tcheutia, Y. Guemo Tefo, M. Foupouagnigni, E. Godoy and I. Area, Linear partial divided difference equation satisfied by multivariate orthogonal polynomials on quadratic lattices, Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena 12 (2017) 14 – 43
  7. D. D. Tcheutia, M. Foupouagnigni, Y. Guemo Tefo and I. Area, Divided-difference equation and three-term recurrence relations of some bivariate q-orthogonal polynomials, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 23 (2017) 2004-2036, DOI: 10.1080/10236198.2017.1382485
  8. D. D. Tcheutia, A. S. Jooste, W. Koepf, Mixed recurrence relations and interlacing properties for zeros of classical q-orthogonal polynomials, Applied Numerical Mathematics 125 (2018) 86 –102
  9. D. D. Tcheutia, A. S. Jooste, W. Koepf, Quasi-orthogonality of orthogonal polynomials of a q-linear, quadratic and q-quadratic lattice, SIGMA 14 (2018), 26 pages
  10. D. D. Tcheutia, Nonnegative linearization coefficients of the generalized Bessel polynomials, The Ramanujan Journal 48 (2019) 217-231
  11. D.D. Tcheutia, Recurrence equations and their classical orthogonal polynomial solutions on a quadratic or a q-quadratic lattice, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 25 (2019) 969-993, DOI: 10.1080/10236198.2019.1627346
  12. M. Masjed-Jamei, W. Koepf, D.D. Tcheutia, A finite sequence of Hahn-type discrete orthogonal polynomials, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 26 (2020) 952-965, DOI: 10.1080/10236198.2020.1801663
  13. M. Foupouagnigni, D. D. Tcheutia, W. Koepf and K.N. Forwa, Approximation by interpolation: The Chebyshev nodes, Journal of Classical Analysis 17 (2021) 39-53
  1. Sitienei, C. M., Okango, A., & Otieno, A. (2019, December 23). Application of Mixture Experiments in Poultry Feed Formulation. African Journal of Education,Science and Technology, 5(3), Pg 15-28.
  2. Sitienei, M., Anapapa , A., & Otieno , A. (2023). Random Forest Regression in Maize Yield Prediction. Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 23(4), 43–52.
  3. Sitienei, M., Anapapa , A., & Otieno , A. (2023). Application of XGBoost Regression in Maize Yield Prediction. Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 24(1), 1–9.
  4. Sitienei, M., Otieno, A., & Anapapa , A. (2023). An Application of K-Nearest-Neighbor Regression in Maize Yield Prediction. Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 24(4), 1–10.
  1. Brhane, K.W., Ahmad, A.G., Hina, H. et al. (2024). Mathematical modeling of cholera dynamics with intrinsic growth considering constant interventions. Sci Rep 14, 4616. 2.
  2. Brhane, K. W., Gebru, M. G., & Ahmad, A. G. (2020). Mathematical model for the dynamics of Savanna ecosystem considering fire disturbances. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 509, 110515.
  3. Brhane, K. W., & Qamar, S. (2020). Numerical approximation of a two-dimensional model of non-isothermal reactive liquid chromatography involving slow rates of adsorption–desorption kinetics. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 1-22.
  4. Brhane, K. W., & Qamar, S. (2020). Two-dimensional general rate model for nonisothermal liquid chromatography considering finite rates of adsorption–desorption kinetics. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 43(7-8), 213-232.
  5. Brhane, K. W., Qamar, S., & Seidel-Morgenstern, A. (2019). Two-Dimensional General Rate Model of Liquid Chromatography Incorporating Finite Rates of Adsorption– Desorption Kinetics and Core–Shell Particles. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58(19), 8296-8308.
  6. Sahu, S. K., Dalecha, T. T., & Welay, K. (2015). Tilted Bianchi type-III cosmological models in Lyra geometry. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 54(3), 807-811.
  1. Domini Jocema LEKO MOUTOUO, and KHUMALO, Precious Blessing. FIXED POINTS IN φ-ORDERED PARTIAL QUASI-METRIC SPACE. Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 2021, vol. 11, no 3, p. 851-862.
  1. M. Foupouagnigni, M. N.Hounkonnou and A. Ronveaux: Laguerre-Freud equations for the recurrence
    coefficients of Dw semi-classical orthogonal polynomials of class 1, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 99 (1998), 143-154.
  2. M. Foupouagnigni, W. Koepf and A. Ronveaux: The fourth-order difference equation satisfied by the associated classical discrete orthogonal polynomials, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 92 (1998), 103-108.
  3. M. Foupouagnigni, A. Ronveaux and W. Koepf : The fourth-order q-difference equation satisfied by the first associated q-classical orthogonal polynomials, J. Comput. Appl. Math.101 (1999), 231-236.
  4. M. Foupouagnigni, M. N. Hounkonnou and A. Ronveaux (1999): Fourth-order difference equation satisfied by the associated orthogonal polynomials of the D-Laguerre-Hahn class, J. of Symb. Comput. 28, 06 (1999) 801-818.
  5. M. Foupouagnigni, A. Ronveaux and M. N. Hounkonnou : Fourth-order difference equation satisfied by the associated orthogonal polynomials of the Dq-Laguerre-Hahn class, J. Diff. Eqn. Appl. 7/3 (2001), 445-472.
  6. M. Foupouagnigni, and A. Ronveaux : Fourth-order difference equation satisfied by the co-recursive q-classical orthogonal polynomials. J. Comput. Appl. Math 133/1-2 (2001), 355-365.
  7. M. Foupouagnigni and F. Marcellán : Characterization of the Dw – Laguerre-Hahn Functionals. J. Diff. Eqn. Appl. 8 (2002), 689-717.
  8. M. Foupouagnigni and A. Ronveaux: Difference Equations for the Co-recursive rth Associated Orthogonal Polynomials of the D_q Laguerre-Hahn Class, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 153 (2003), 213-223 .
  9. M. Foupouagnigni, W. Koepf and A. Ronveaux: On fourth-order difference equations for orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable: Derivation, factorization and solutions J. Diff. Eqn. Appl. 9 (2003), 777-804.
  10. W. Van Assche, M. Foupouagnigni: Analysis of non-linear recurrence relations for the recurrence coefficients of generalized Charlier polynomials, J. nonlinear Math. Phys. 10 (2) (2003), 231-237.
  11. M. Foupouagnigni, W. Koepf and A. Ronveaux: On solutions of fourth-order differential equations satisfied by some classes of orthogonal polynomials, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 162 (2004), 299-326.
  12. M. Foupouagnigni, W. Koepf and A. Ronveaux: On factorization and solutions of q-difference equations satisfied by some classes of orthogonal polynomials, J. Diff. Eqn. Appl. 10(8) (2004), 729-747.
  13. M. Foupouagnigni, on difference equations for orthogonal polynomials on nonuniform lattices, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 14(2), 127–174.
  14. Foupouagnigni, M., Nangho, M. K., & Mboutngam, S. (2011). Characterization theorem for classical orthogonal polynomials on non-uniform lattices: the functional approach. Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 22(10), 739–758.
  15. Foupouagnigni, M., Koepf, W., Tcheutia, D. D., & Sadjang, P. N. (2012). Representations of q-orthogonal polynomials. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 47(11), 1347-1371.
  16. Foupouagnigni, M., Koepf, W., & Tcheutia, D. D. (2013). Connection and linearization coefficients of the Askey–Wilson polynomials. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 53, 96-118.
  17. Foupouagnigni, M., Koepf, W., Kenfack-Nangho, M., & Mboutngam, S. (2013). On solutions of holonomic divided-difference equations on nonuniform lattices. Axioms, 2(3), 404-434
  18. Sadjang, P. N., Koepf, W., & Foupouagnigni, M. (2015). On moments of classical orthogonal polynomials. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 424(1), 122-151.
  19. Njionou Sadjang, P., Koepf, W., & Foupouagnigni, M. (2015). On structure formulas for Wilson polynomials. Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 26(12), 1000-1014.
  20. Mboutngam, S., Foupouagnigni, M., & Sadjang, P. N. (2017). On the modifications of semi-classical orthogonal polynomials on nonuniform lattices. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 445(1), 819-836.
  21. Guemo Tefo, Y., Area, I., & Foupouagnigni, M. (2017). Bivariate symmetric discrete orthogonal polynomials. Advances in Real and Complex Analysis with Applications, 87-105.
  22. Njinkeu Sandjon, M., Branquinho, A., Foupouagnigni, M., & Area, I. (2017). Characterizations of classical orthogonal polynomials on quadratic lattices. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 23(6), 983-1002.
  23. Area, I., Foupouagnigni, M., Godoy, E., & Tefo, Y. G. (2017). On moments of hypergeometric bivariate weight functions. Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 141(8), 766-784.
  24. Balmaceda, J. M. P., YACOUBI, N. E., FOUPOUAGNIGNI, MAMA., Jofre, A., Koch, L., Ogana, W., … & Tschinkel, Y. (2018). Strengthening mathematics in the developing world. In Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians: Rio de Janeiro 2018 (pp. 1049-1064).
  25. Merlin, M. W., Koepf, W., & Foupouagnigni, M. (2018). On the Solutions of Holonomic Third-order Linear Irreducible Differential Equations in Terms of Hypergeometric Functions.
  26. Mboutngam, S., & Foupouagnigni, M. (2018). Characterization of semi-classical orthogonal polynomials on nonuniform lattices. Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 29(4), 284-309.
  27. Foupouagnigni, M., & Koepf, W. (2018). Orthogonal Polynomials.
  28. Foupouagnigni, M. (2020). An Introduction to Orthogonal Polynomials. In Orthogonal Polynomials: 2nd AIMS-Volkswagen Stiftung Workshop, Douala, Cameroon, 5-12 October, 2018 2 (pp. 3-24). Springer International Publishing.
  29. Foupouagnigni, M., & Mboutngam, S. (2019). On the Polynomial Solution of Divided-Difference Equations of the Hypergeometric Type on Nonuniform Lattices. Axioms, 8(2), 47.
  30. Kenfack Nangho, M., Foupouagnigni, M., & Koepf, W. (2019). On exponential and trigonometric functions on nonuniform lattices. The Ramanujan Journal, 49, 1-37.
  31. Foupouagnigni, M., & Mouafo Wouodjié, M. (2020). On multivariate Bernstein polynomials. Mathematics, 8(9), 1397.
  32. Foupouagnigni, M., Tcheutia, D. D., Koepf, W., & Forwa, K. N. (2021). Approximation by interpolation: the Chebyshev nodes. Journal of Classical Analysis, 17(1).
  33. Njionou Sadjang, P., Kalda Sawalda, D., Mboutngam, S., Foupouagnigni, M., & Koepf, W. (2023). On Non-linear Characterizations of Classical Orthogonal Polynomials. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 20(1), 10.
  34. Tcheutia, D. D., Mboutngam, S., & Foupouagnigni, M. (2024). Recurrence relation approach for expansion and connection coefficients in series of q-Laguerre polynomials.
  1. Wandji, N. D., Xingming, S., & Kue, M. F. (2013). Detection of copy-move forgery in digital images based on DCT. arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.5661.
  2. Wandji, N. D., & Xingming, S. (2013). Robust detection of copy-move forgery in color images. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition (IPCV’13) (pp. 492-495).
  3. Tcheutia, D. D., & Wandji Nanda, N. D. (2023). The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Cameroon.
  4. Ngoy, P. S., Musumbu, K., & Wandji, N. (2021). An approach of concept lattice theory in data mining and its applications.
  5. Nathalie Diane, W. N., Xingming, S., & Moise, F. K. (2014). A survey of partition‐based techniques for copy‐move forgery detection. The scientific world journal, 2014(1), 975456.
  1. I.A.Minlend,Overdetermined problems with sign-changing eigenfunctions in unbounded periodic domainsarXiv:2203.15492 (submitted to Mathematische Annalen)
  2. I.A. Minlend, Overdetermined problems for fully nonlinear equations in space forms, abs/2010.13945 (submitted to Electronic Journal of Differential Equations)
  3. M.M. Fall, I.A. Minlend, and T. Weth, The Schiffer problem on the cylinder and on the 2-sphere arXiv:2303.17036 (to appear in the Journal of the European Mathematical Society)
  4. I.A. Minlend “Unbounded periodic constant mean curvature graphs on calibrable Cheeger Serrin domains.” Arch. Math. 122, 319-329 (2024)
  5. M.M. Fall, I.A. Minlend, and T. Weth, On an electrostatic problem and a new class of exceptional subdomains of IR3, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 55, no. 3 (2023): 2347-2376.
  6. M. M. Fall, I.A. Minlend, and J. Ratzkin. Foliation of an Asymptotically Flat End by Critical Capacitors. The Journal of Geometric Analysis. 2022 Feb; 32(2):1-32.
  7. I.A. Minlend, E. H. A. Thiam and A. Niang, Multiply-periodic hypersurfaces with constant nonlocal mean curvature. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 26 (2020): 10.
  8. M.M. Fall, I.A. Minlend, and T. Weth, Serrin’s overdetermined problem on the sphere, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 57 (2018), no. 1, Art. 3, 24 pp.
  9. I.A. Minlend Existence of Self-Cheeger Sets on Riemannian Manifolds, Archiv der Mathematik 109, no.4 (2017): 393- 400.
  10. M.M. Fall, I.A. Minlend, and T. Weth, Unbounded Periodic Solutions to Serrin Overdetermined Boundary Value Problem. Arch. Rational. Mech. Anal. 223, no. 2 (2017): 737-759.
  11. M.M. Fall, I. A. Minlend and E. H. A. Thiam, The role of the mean curvature in Hardy-Sobolev Trace inequality. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications. NoDEA 22.5 (2015): 1047-1066.
  12. M. M. Fall and I. A. Minlend, Serrin’s over-determined problem in Riemannian manifolds. Adv. Calc. Var. 8 (2015), 371-400.
  1. Mouassom, F. L., Tendong, E., & Tamoffo, A. T. (2025). Machine learning assisted identification of sea surface temperature patterns related to extreme rainfall events over Cameroon. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 156(1), 1-16.
  2. Dongmo, C. O., Arreyndip, N. A., Tendong, E., Afungchui, D., Daoudi, M., & Ebobenow, J. (2024). Assessing the performance of a monocrystalline solar panel under different tropical climatic conditions in Cameroon using artificial neural network. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 16(5).
  3. Tendong, E., Saha-Dasgupta, T. and Chakrabarti, J., 2022. Viscoelastic response of fluid trapped between two dissimilar van der Waals surfaces. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34(19), p.195101.
  4. Tendong, E., Dasgupta, T.S. and Chakrabarti, J., 2020. Dynamics of water trapped in transition metal oxide-graphene nano-confinement. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 32(32), p.325101
  5. Fouokeng, G.C., Tendong, E., Tene, A.G., Tchoffo, M. and Fai, L.C., 2020. Teleportation of single and bipartite states via a two qubits xxz Heisenberg spin chain in a non-Markovian environment. Physics Letters A, 384(28), p.126719.
  6. Tchoffo, M., Fouokeng, G.C., Tendong, E. and Fai, L.C., 2016. Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction effects on the entanglement dynamics of a two qubit XXZ spin system in non-Markovian environment. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 407, pp.358-364.
  7. Ranya Hamid, I.H. Elsanousi, Hedging in a Market with Jump, Alneelain Graduate College Journal, 2016.
  8. Ranya Hamid, An Optimal Consumption Problem in an Incomplete Market,  Alneelain Graduate College Journal, 2016.