The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is calling for applications for the German Research Chair at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Cameroon.

The call addresses highly qualified academics from all over the world who conduct application-related research in the field of mathematics, have experience in training students and (ideally) doctoral candidates.
The research chair, which is being advertised internationally, is designed to help strengthen university education in mathematics and research in Africa, promote networking between AIMS Cameroon and German universities, and support networking amongst the various AIMS centres in Africa.
- Doctorate followed by several years of research activity
- teaching experience, including proven experience in supervising students
- outstanding, internationally recognised research record
- already have or will establish a scientific cooperation with a German institution of higher education
The Humboldt Foundation assumes that candidates will abide by the Rules of Good Scientific Practice during the application and sponsorship periods.
For further details please see the Program information and in the Guide for a complete application.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that he or she has submitted all the necessary documents. The documents required in addition to the application documents, i.e. the confidential statements by the expert reviewers, can be submitted to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation directly, at the same time as the application.
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation explicitly welcomes applications from qualified female academics.
The application must be supported by at least one future collaborative partner in Germany.
The sponsorship will initially be made available for four years and will total up to €560,000.
For other important details and further information, click here.