The Teacher Training Program in Cameroon (TTP) implemented series of workshops required to increase the capacities of both TTP staff and Master Trainers regarding the use and support of eLearning and Community of Practices platforms, as well as Results Based Management and other competencies related to the planning, design, and delivery of masterful mathematics lessons. The workshops, which culminated in the Refresher Training for Master Trainers, were successfully carried out from the 31st of August through September 9th, 2017. The goal of the Refresher Training was to complete the training of Master Trainers to ensure that they have all the Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSA) required to facilitate and deliver both online and face-to-face training sessions to mathematics teachers in Cameroon.

In addition to the training of the Master Trainers, the Refresher Training Workshop marked the launch of the online platforms developed for the TTP by the African Virtual University (AVU), specifically: the eLearning and Community of Practice platforms.

The launching ceremony was held on September 6, and took place in the presence of the President of AIMS Cameroon Centre, The Rector of the University of Yaoundé 1, and the Inspector General of Education for the Ministry of Secondary Education, among others. Each of the speakers during this ceremony thanked AIMS for this human capacity building project and urged the trainees to be punctual and assiduous as to get the best out of this opportunity.

Out of the 84 participants present were 50 Pedagogic Inspectors (5 females and 45 males), 31 university lecturers (3 females and 28 males) and 3 experienced teachers (1 female and 2 males).

The workshop was a great success based on the post-training survey results: 97.4% of the participants said that the workshop met their expectations, and 76.8% of the participants said that they felt either Capable or Highly Capable of successfully performing the required skills regarding the workshop objectives concerning training design and delivery, RBM, and mathematics in the society. For more pictures of this training, click here Do not forget to like our Facebook page by clicking here.