On the 10th of September, AIMS TTP kicked off its fifth (5th) training of 51 in-service mathematics teachers in Cameroon at CAAP.

These In-Service Mathematics teachers are of the English speaking sub-system of education and came in from all the divisions in the Centre Region. Trained by 10 Master Trainers and TTP staff, the teachers were equipped with knowledge, skills and attitudes to prepare and deliver interactive, engaging, and innovative and gender sensitive Mathematics lessons. The trainers used different strategies during sessions and the teachers actually prepared lessons in groups and delivered to their peers. Actual lesson delivery took place in GBHS Yaoundé, where seven lessons, each of 50 mins were delivered by the trainees in the real classrooms.
TTP therefore through its training continues to seek the improvement of the quality of Maths education at the secondary education.
Interested in this training was Her Excellency, the Minister of Secondary Education, Prof. Nalova Lyonga, who surprised the trainees on Friday the 14th of September 2018. As she made way into the hall, the trainees’ facial expressions were nothing short of excitement and happiness.

In her speech, she commended the efforts and work put in by AIMS TTP in revolutionizing the methods of teaching at a time when the discussion is present in pedagogical meetings. In her words “AIMS has found its way into Cameroon” via teacher training.
Recognized and applauded were the females in attendance. This ovation was cognizance of the gender-related problems (domestic responsibilities) the women have to brave to be available for the training especially finding themselves in a male dominant field. Prof. Nalova though happy with the females in presentia, she expressed a possibility of an improvement in the female statistics to which Prof. Mama assured her of its possible increment.
In response to Prof. Mama’s request for a facility where teachers could be trained to curb the exorbitant accommodation costs, Prof. Nalova hinted of such an edifice coming to life in the near future.
The spirit of gratitude did not end with Her Excellency about the work AIMS is doing but with the teachers as well.
Tons of messages of gratitude flowed in as they were in awe and humbled by this life changing experience they received.
“Thanks a million to AIMS Cameroon and to all the trainers and the staff OF the AIMS TTP 4th batch .it was a wonderful experience and hope we Will just apply all what we were taught in our respective class rooms for the betterment of our Young population”
“It was really educative and fantastic, I thank all who sacrificed all what they had to do to come and show us the way to experience the appropriate and simplest way of teaching mathematics I promised to do my best, I say thanks to AIMS TTP”
It was a successful training from these testimonies and the teachers could not wait to give feedback after their first day in school succeeding the training.
“I was in OBALA today and in fact I enjoyed teaching mathematics, after teaching for 6 period, I felt as if I just started; no tiredness as before, very exciting and the students were very happy. I wish to thank AIMS TTP AND ALL PARTNERS for the training, only God will reward you”.
A teacher from Pi and JU culdn’t wait to share her excitement as she applied her knowledge gained in her classroom