Prof. Mama Foupouagnigni is the Chief Academic Officer of the AIMS Global Network and President of AIMS Cameroon, previously serving as the pioneer Academic Director of the same Institute from August 2013 to August 2016.
Professor of Mathematics at the Higher Teacher Training College (HTTC) of the University of Yaoundé I in Cameroon, he holds a German Habilitation in Mathematics from the University of Kassel in Germany (2006) and a PhD in Mathematical Physics from the Institute of Mathematics and Physics of the National University of Benin (1998). He acquired a dual training in pure mathematics and mathematics education for the Bachelor and Master levels at the University of Yaoundé I.
His main research domain is Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions of Mathematical Physics, where he has made relevant contributions (Mathscinet & Google scholar) and has supervised five PhD theses (Mathematics Genealogy Project). Other domains of interest include Approximation Theory, Computer Algebra, e-Learning and the use of ICT for Mathematics Education.
Recent accomplishments include the successful and rigorous setting up of academic activities at AIMS Cameroon, the conceptual design of the Teacher Training Program (TTP) in Cameroon, the enhancement of Government relations; and in terms of research, the characterization of classical orthogonal polynomial on non-uniform lattices and the derivation and solution of the fourth-order differential/difference/q-difference/divided-difference equations satisfied by modification of classical orthogonal polynomials.
Prof. Mama is an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, President of the Cameroon Mathematical Union and the Africa Representative at the 2015-2018 and 2018-2022 Commissions for Developing Countries of the International Mathematical Union.