Alumni Publications

Alumni Publications

AIMS-Cameroon Alumni has been vibrant since 2014 all over the world with academic publications and research articles that are contributing to the understanding of development challenges faced especially in Africa, for practical solutions.

“Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction effects on the entanglement dynamics of a two qubit XXZ spin system in non-Markovian environment”;Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials; Elsevier; 2016; 407;pp.358;

Tchoffo, M., Fouokeng, G. C., Tendong, E., & Fai, L. C

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Generalized Extreme Value Distribution Models for the Assessment of Seasonal Wind Energy Potential of Debuncha, Cameroon; Journal of Renewable Energy; Hindawi; 2016; (); pp.9;

Nkongho Ayuketang A, Ebobenow Joseph;

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“Wind Energy Assessment of Cameroon’s Coastal Regions for the Future Installation of a Wind Farm”; Heliyon; Elservier; 2016;2(11); pp.19;

Nkongho Ayuketang A, Ebobenow Joseph, Afungchui David;

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“Comparative study on performance of High Performance Computing under OpenMP and MPI on Image Segmentation”;

Eric Hitimana, Eric Nizeyimana, Gaurav Bajpai;

IEEE;2016; 1(1); pp.4-; Link

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“Assessment of 3D morphological characteristics of the shoulder bones using statistical shape modeling: Prospective application to handedness”

Inyang, Adijat O., Jean-Rassaire Fouefack, Sudesh Sivarasu, Stephen Roche, Bhushan Borotikar,
AlumniValérie Burdin, and Tinashe Mutsvangwa.;

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“Cost Effective Design for Drip Bottle Liquid level indicator with alarm and SMS Facility; TEQIPII 2nd International Symposium On IoTSIU 2017 Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages (IoTSIU 2017)” 28 Feb01 March 2017 Organized By: FET, MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, UP, India; MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, UP,India; 2017; 1(1); pp.3-;

Gaurav Bajpai, Eric Nizeyimana, Eric Hitimana;

28 Feb01 March 2017 Organized By: FET, MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, UP, India; MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, UP, India; 2017; 1(1); pp.3-;

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