Dr. IGRI MOUDI Pascal is Meteorologist and Researcher in Atmospheric sciences and Environmental modelling with more than 10 years at various levels within the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and the Agency for Air Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar Members states. He has also been teaching, supervising and examining masters student thesis during these five past years at different Universities and highter schools in Cameroon, including supervising students at the African School of Meteorology and Civil Aviation. In addition, He has provided expert services in various capacities as Dr. IGRI MOUDI Pascal is Meteorologist and Researcher in Atmospheric sciences and Environmental modelling with more than 10 years at various levels within the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and the Agency for Air Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar Members states.
From 2018 to 2021, Dr. Igri has set up and developped the technical procedure and climate services tailored products for ECCAS under SAWIDRA project. He has also developped concept notes for resources mobilzations with partners including the African Development Bank (AfDB) and European Union. Under SAWIDRA project, Pascal also contributed to the development of ECCAS grant for the Intra ACP Climate services by providing reliable guidance to partners. In 2020, He conducted the Feasibility Study of Component 3 of the HOA Prom “Strengthening the Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change and Variability” in the West and Central Africa Sahel Program (P2RS-2) with
AfDB. In 2021, he developed a Baseline Study for the Intra-ACP Climate Services and Related Applications Programme for the Central Africa region, the objective of which was to establish baselines and targets for tracking implementation of the programme. He has also provided technical services to Undertake a Capacity Gap Assessment for the intra-acp climate services and related applications programme under the auspices of AESA
Consortium. In 2020-2021, he contributed to the Cross-border Strategic Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in the Lake Chad Basin as National Consultant in Cameroon.
In a transversal way, he has worked as a resource person for the past 5 years for the organizations such as WMO, EUMETSAT, Congo Basin organizations, the Red Cross to provide support for the definition and implementation of activities related to natural disasters.
Dr IGRI participated in various intergovernmental processes on sustainable development and climate change including COPs, the Blue Fund of the Congo Basin Climate Commission and has been respresenting ECCAS regional Climate Centre to different meetings internationally.
Finally, Pascal has been a moderator for various high technical levels meeting, including Hydromet
programme and EUMESAT Users in Africa. Currently, he is working as Senior Technical Officer at CAPC-AC, an ECCAS specialized institition in Climate and Meteorology.