Dr. Paulin Melatagia Yonta holds a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Yaoundé I. He is a senior lecturer in the Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Science at the same university. He teaches courses in machine learning, business intelligence, data mining, algorithms and complexity at several universities. His research work focuses mainly on the development and study of the properties of new machine learning algorithms and on natural language and speech processing, particularly for African languages. He is the head of the Idasco (Data Science and Complex Systems) research team at the University of Yaounde I, member of the executive committee of ASDS (African Society of Digital Science), member of the laboratory council of UMMISCO/IRD (Unité de Modélisation Mathématique et Informatique des Systèmes Complexes), scientific secretary of the CRI (Conference on Research in Computer Science). He coordinates and participates in several artificial intelligence projects in Cameroon and around the world.