Information Technology Auditor at ECOBANK Rwanda
Jeannette Mukamahame Gahunga is a former Mastercard Foundation scholar and AIMS-Cameroon alumnus of the 2016/2017 cohort. Prior to AIMS, she earned a computer science degree at the University of Rwanda in 2015. While at AIMS, she carried out a project on Climate Change in Africa and equally carried out a Statistical Analysis of Kenya, Rwanda, and Zimbabwe, thereby building a model to forecast climate change for use by farmers. After graduating, she returned to Rwanda where she focused on building her soft skills through sessions in professional development training offered by the AIMS Industry Initiative. Jeannette is one of the first African Institute for Mathematical Sciences – Next Einstein Initiative (AIMS-NEI) graduates to put her skills to work at Ecobank Rwanda following a partnership agreement between the two organizations. She joined Ecobank Rwanda as an Information Technology Auditor in charge of the banks’ security and risk prevention and mitigation. In the wake of numerous challenges faced by financial institutions arising out of carrying out their businesses online, Gahunga is responsible at Ecobank Rwanda for conducting internal IT audits to identify threats and areas in need of corrections, controls, and improvements. Ms. Jeannette has attributed her success at her role at Ecobank to her AIMS degree which she says was an advantage especially in the labor market where she feels so confident and competitive.