Early today, Prof. Georg Bader, who has been at AIMS-Cameroon for the last three weeks to teach a review course on Scientific Computing, took part in the traditional end-of-course send-off hosted by AIMS Cameroon’s Academic Director, Prof Marco Andrea Garuti. Prof. Garuti extended the gratitude of the entire Centre to Prof. Bader for braving the pandemic and coming to Cameroon. “It has been a tough year for us with everything online, and so it means a lot to us that you could come,” said Prof. Marco.

Following the director’s remarks and in keeping with the send-off tradition, Prof. Bader’s teaching assistant for the course, James J. Njong called up a student to say a word on behalf of the students taking the course. Both James and the designated student, Idriss Hank, echoed the sentiments of the Director, and both did not hold back on telling how uplifting the opportunity to work with Prof Georg had been. Idriss Hank praised Prof Bader’s teaching methodology and his engaging nature, saying it was these that allowed both he and the many students who took the course to gain so much from it.
Students’ Delegate Naomi Soko Idriss Hank receives gifts to hand to Prof. Bader
Prof. Bader receives AIMS Cameroon gifts from Idriss Hank Idriss Hank praised Prof Bader’s teaching methodology
In his farewell remarks, Prof. Bader expressed his gratitude to the students who had over the last weeks showcased admirable positivity in learning new things and building careers with the opportunity given them. He was keen to point out the hardworking nature of the students, encouraging them to remain steadfast in the pursuit of their passions. He further said a hearty thanks to James who had assisted him in delivering the course and organizing the lectures, and ended his remarks by thanking the Academic Director to whom he said; “Your kind words make me feel like an integral part of this institution, and for that I thank you”.
This year’s lecture on Scientific Computing along with Prof. Bader’s visit was a huge success, and as both students and administrative staff walked out of the lecture hall in an uninterrupted exchange of kind words and smiles, it was safe to say we cannot wait to host Prof. Bader next year or whenever he chooses to return.