As part of the activities to close the First Phase of its Teacher Training Program (TTP), AIMS Cameroon is organising a workshop on the applications of Mathematics in the Cameroonian Society. The workshop organised in partnership with Mastercard Foundation and the Government of Cameroon, will hold in Mbalmayo (Centre Region) from June 17th to June 19th 2021 on the theme: “Applications of Mathematics in Cameroon, from Theory to Practice”.

AIMS Cameroon’s Centre President, Prof. Dr. Mama Foupouagnigni will be the moderator of the workshop during which participants will identify the most prevalent and influential activities carried out by Cameroonians within the society (business and industry, agriculture, engineering, medicine, and government) that can be facilitated, simplified, or rendered more effective or efficient through the proper application of mathematics.
The workshop participants will also create a Compendium of pertinent and concrete examples of how Mathematics is being or/and can be used in Cameroonian Society.

This Compendium will be used by students and teachers, as well as any interested party, to be more aware of the importance of Mathematics and how it is currently used; discover ways to apply mathematics to solve the problems facing Cameroon today and tomorrow, as well as improve teaching and learning of Mathematics by increasing student curiosity and engagement via more innovative and interesting Problem Situations and motivational examples.
Participants are committed teachers and lecturers from secondary schools, higher learning institutions, the Ministry of Secondary Education and AIMS Cameroon. They will brainstorm and deliberate in four Working Groups during the three-day workshop.
Launched in 2016 by AIMS Cameroon, the five-year Teacher Training Program has introduced innovative learning and teaching methodologies, trained over 2006 in-service teachers and 1086 pre-service teachers, impacting 588,294 students; 40% of whom are girls. AIMS TTP has also trained 89 master trainers and sensitised 715 principals and vice-principals from 115 schools as well as delegates of the Ministry of Secondary Education.