Joel’s AIMS essay was entitled “Micromagnetic Simulation of a Vortex Wall Dynamics in a Spin Valve Nanostrip”. Using a computer code based on the micromagnetic theory, he simulated the static equilibrium magnetization distribution of an infinite permalloy nanostrip that contains a vortex centered in the middle of the nanostrip. He computed the details of magnetization dynamics under applied magnetic field. The results of his simulations confirmed that the vortex wall is centered in the middle of the nanostrip, and the Thiele wall width decreases from its maximal value obtained when the copper thickness is zero, to its asymptotic value, reached at infinity.
After AIMS Cameroon, Dr. Joel Edouard Nkeck completed two additional Masters: one in Nanostructures et nanophotonique at the University of Clermont-Ferrand 2 and the second one in Optics at the University of Nice. Then, he got his PhD degree in electrical engineering at École de technologie Supérieure de Montréal
in Canada.