Dr. Pauline Milaure NGUGNIE currently serves as an insurance model validator at KBC Group in Belgium, a leading integrated bank-insurance group in Belgium, specializing in retail, private banking, SME, and mid-cap clientele. In her role, she meticulously evaluates and challenges models designed for insurance portfolios, offering invaluable insights and recommendations on their validity.
While at AIMS, Pauline formulated a comprehensive pricing formula for a European call option on a given financial asset, leveraging the concept of the “pricing kernel” under the assumption of no arbitrage in financial markets. Additionally, she conducted analyses on price processes governed by four key parameters: volatility, initial price, interest rate, and a parameter representing risk aversion, exploring their impact on the rate of return.
Following her time at AIMS, Pauline pursued her academic interests, undertaking an MSc. in financial mathematics, generously supported by a private company, at Brunel University London in England. Subsequently, she embarked on a Ph.D. journey, sponsored by an insurance firm, at UCLouvain in Belgium, where she delved into the realm of actuarial sciences. Her doctoral research culminated in a thesis defense in December 2020, marking a significant milestone in her academic and professional trajectory.