In mid-2020, AIMS Cameroon’s Second Cohort Delegate, Eric Nizeyimana, won the PASET (Partnership for Skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology) PhD Scholarship and joined the African Centre of Excellence in the Internet of Things (ACEIoT) at the University of Rwanda. His PhD research is titled “A Decentralized Real-Time Monitoring System of Air Pollution using Blockchain Technology over IoT Edge Devices”. His ambition is to solve real-world problems for Africans using new technologies. He is always ready to serve the education sector as an instructor and a researcher to help in the development of future generations.
Growing up in the village of Biruyi in Western Rwanda, Eric was eager to learn and loved mathematics in his childhood. His dreams were to pursue maths and make it, to solve real-world problems. Knowing that computers do everything using mathematics, he studied Computer Engineering at the University of Rwanda.
Graduating among top students in 2013, the Department of Computer Engineering recruited him as a Tutorial Assistant. In 2014, he joined AIMS (African Institute for Mathematical Sciences) Cameroon to do his Master’s degree. He focused on Cryptography and developed an application for hospital data encryption. He was also a delegate of the second cohort.
“I can say that AIMS has opened my mind in a way I can use as a young African to change our continent. We are so energetic and able to make the change,” says Eric Nizeyimana.
In 2015, Eric returned to the University of Rwanda where he was promoted as an Assistant Lecturer. In 2017, he joined AIMS Rwanda as an IT Officer and later on, in 2018, he joined AIMS Cameroon in the same position.
At the beginning of 2019, Eric joined AIMS Secretariat in the Department of AIMS Teacher Training Program (TTP) in Rwanda where he is an IT Analyst.
Eric Nizeyimana’s Research Papers: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=-hDOSHIAAAAJ