While at AIMS, Loyce engaged molecular surveillance methods in monitoring the spread of infectious diseases such as malaria, by finding methods to estimate one of the essential epidemiological quantities in malaria; the multiplicity of infection (MOI), which refers to the presence of multiple genetically-distinct variants within an infection. She proposed a nonparametric approach to estimate haplotype frequencies and MOI that allows capturing overdispersion in the distribution of MOI that may arise due to seasonal fluctuations in transmission intensities or heterogeneous mosquito biting rates.
After AIMS, Loyce worked as a district project coordinator in HIV and AIDS with the Malawi Network of AIDS Service Organization, before joining the Hochschule Mittweida, Germany as a research assistant in the Applied Computer and life sciences department, while also doing a Master in Applied Mathematics in Networks and data sciences. Along the way, she was given the award of Promising young scientist for the Committee on Global Health by the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), together with a travel award to attend the ASTMH annual conference.