While at AIMS, Tokpa’s study was set out to estimate the parameters of a linear regression model using Ordinary Least Squares and Cochrane-Orcutt Estimators, and with violation of some model assumptions. The results obtained have shown that the Cochrane-Orcutt Estimator performs best to that of the Ordinary Least Squares Estimator when there exist autocorrelation of the error terms, and therefore effectively achieving our set objectives.
After AIMS, Tokpa worked as Youth Network and Volunteering Associate at the United Nations Sustainable Development Group, as Data Officer (later promoted as Monitoring And Evaluation Officer) at the Academic Consortium Combating Ebola in Liberia (ACCEL). He works since August 2018, as Adjunct Faculty at Hawkeye Community College (Waterloo, Iowa, USA) and since February 2019, as Data Consultant at the University of Massachusetts. Tokpa is currently working within an industry as a Manufacturing Engineer at John Deere & Co; iowa, USA