While at AIMS, Sedrick presented the one dimensional variable order advection-dispersion equation with constant coefficient and used the Fourier transform taking into consideration its relation with the new variable order derivative to find the analytical solution. He solved numerically the new equation using the implicit finite difference scheme and studied the stability and convergence of
Student Type: Alumni
Jean Michel MUSAMBI
Jean Michel’s journey towards success began in Cameroon when he joined the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS). Little did he know that this decision would lay the foundation for an extraordinary path that led him to achieve great things. While at AIMS, Jean Michel described the process of macroscopic quantum tunneling in a Bose-Einstein
While at AIMS, Guy showed mathematically the existence of new cylindrical interface or stationary sets of the Ohta-Kawasaki functional energy which is a well studies model in block copolymer melt. He used Crandall-Rabinowitz bifurcation Theorem, to prove the existence of Delaunay-type surfaces which are critical points of the sharp interface limit of the Otha-Kawasaki model.
While at AIMS, Habtamu focused on the statistical investigation and comparison of the socio-economic development in African countries in the period form 1993 to 2013 on the basis of significant population, health, infrastructure, Education and economics data by using the statistical software environment R. Habtamu is currently a PhD student at the University of Gondar,
Gbeminiyi Joshua OYEDELE
While at AIMS, Joshua’s master’s essay was entitled “Integrating behavioural dynamics into the model of Ebola transmission and control”. His study’s goal was to understand how human behaviour affects disease transmission and control. In order to examine the phenomenon, a mathematical model of the Ebola virus included incorporated an imitation dynamic model (based on the
While at AIMS, Girma studied the dynamic regulation of T-Cell activation by coupled Feed-Forward loops. He applied the approach of coherent feed forward loop to T- cell activation and used the obtained results to design a new feed-forward motif for T cell activation. Girma is currently a PhD student at the University of Buea, Cameroon.
Kingsley Njem FORWA
While at AIMS, Kingsley investigated approximation and interpolation. He showed how to measure the error in polynomial interpolation and provided a proof to the Weierstrass approximation theorem using the Bernstein polynomial family. Currently, Kingsley is a PhD student at the University of Buea, Cameroon.
While at AIMS, Thierry focused on a simulation study of the apriori algorithm that is widely used in the mining of frequent patterns from transactions databases. His work involved the design of appropriate data structures such as arrays of linked lists used to implement the algorithm as computer software, and the running of simulations using
While at AIMS, Sedric studied a cryptosystem based on Drinfeld modules and proved using the Blackburn attack that it is unsecured. After AIMS, Sedric obtained a PhD from the university of Kassel, Germany. He is currently working as Information Security Consultant at SRC Security Research Consulting GmbH in Germany.
While at AIMS, Redrisse studied the combined effect of chemical and electrical synapses on localized nonlinear excitation in Hindmarsh-Rose model neural networks. After AIMS, Redrisse did Master in Physics, Highly Correlated Matter Research Group, Physics Department, University of Johannesburg , South Africa. She is currently a PhD student in the same university.