A release by the Centre President of AIMS Cameroon, Prof. Dr. Mama Foupouagnigni, dated June 7th, 2021 declared the following eight (08) students as winners of Cameroon’s first ever Mathematics Olympiad organised in partnership with Mastercard Foundation and the Government of Cameroon.
● Classe de Troisième
1. Male: DJAPOU KAMTA BRICE LORAYNE, Lycée Joss de Douala, Littoral
2. Female: KENGNI YO LORITA, Lycée Bilingue de Gouache, West
● Classe de Terminale
1. Male: KAMDEM POUOKAM IVANN, Lycée Bilingue de Bafoussam, West
2. Female: TCHENANG LILYVES ELIELLE, Collège Conquête, Littoral
● Form Five
1. Male – AZANMENE NKONLA DAVID BEROSY , St. Benedict, Centre
2. Female – ANDIGEMA JOYCE, GBHS Nyalla, Littoral
● Upper Sixth
1. Male: NGONGA TSAFANG YVES, St Benedict, Centre
2. Female: ATE ACHA TALEH KELLY, GBHS Baleng, West

The release explains that to determine which brilliant students would be part of the regional teams to represent their regions in the first ever National Mathematics Olympiad in Cameroon, regional Olympiads were held between March and April 2021 with more than 800 talented youth vying for the highest marks.
The regional teams were composed of the top male and female contestants from each of the 10 regions of Cameroon, representing both of the sub-systems of education (Form 5 and Upper 6th for the English sub-system, and Troisième and Terminale for the French).
On May 15 2021, the AIMS Cameroon National Mathematics Olympiad was held with the assistance of the regional delegations of the Ministry of Secondary Education (MINESEC).
Prizes for the winners, both Regional and National, will be awarded in July. Further details will be provided.
The organization of the 2021 Mathematics Olympiads is an important milestone in AIMS TTP’s mission. One of the components of the AIMS TTP is to perform Outreach and hold Public Engagement events. Prominent among such events is an Awards Show designed to recognize and honour the trainers, teachers, and students who are implementing change for Mathematics to be learnt and taught differently.