The AIMS Mathematics Teacher Training Program (TTP) in partnership with Mastercard Foundation and the Government of Cameroon organized the “Training of Cluster Leads” Workshop which started on 29 November 2023 at the Higher Teacher Training College (ENS Yaoundé), and will end on December 2, 2023.
Through various practical sessions characterized by maximum collaboration and sharing of knowledge, the workshop will simulate how clusters are to work, using lesson study, digitalization of lessons and how to use digitalized lessons on the Cameroon Ministry of Secondary Education (MINESEC) platform. Prior to the workshops, participants prepared some sample lessons in groups. These samples are analyzed and finalized during the workshop, and participants, still in groups, will go ahead to digitalize their updated lessons.
The workshop is facilitated by Mme Babila nee GHOGOMU Emilia Yopuku (Pedagogic Officer AIMS), 01 National Pedagogic Inspector and 03 Regional Pedagogic Inspectors. The workshop is going to be all practical work. You are expected to come with your laptops.