Revitalizing Mathematics Education through a Cluster Strategy: A Successful Initiative in Cameroon

In an effort to enhance mathematics education in secondary schools across Cameroon, the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Teacher Training Program (AIMS TTP) embarked on a mission to empower educators at various levels. The initial phase trained a significant number of in-service and pre-service teachers. However, an evaluation uncovered shortcomings in the effective implementation of

Posted in TTP

Refreshing Training of Cluster Leads: Actualizing acquired know-how in the real classroom situation

The highpoint of the workshop to refresh some 32 Clusters Leads on their duties through Lesson Study and Digitalization of lessons was the real classroom practice in Government Bilingual Practicing High School (GBPHS) in Yaounde, using the digitalized lessons on the MINESEC platform.On December 1, 2023, cluster leads at the workshop by the AIMS Mathematics

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