Dr. Wênd-Benedo Emmanuel ZONGO

While at AIMS, Emmanuel developed and analyzed the finite element method and the quadrature rules for the solution of elliptic boundary value problems. After AIMS, Emmanuel obtained a Master 2 scholarship of Fondation Sciences Mathematiques de Paris (FSMP), France. He defended his Ph.D degree (on January 10, 2022) in control theory of PDEs and calculus


While at AIMS, Fandeferana studied the theory of elliptic curves and to establish the application of elliptic curves in cryptography. After AIMS, Fandeferana completed the ALGANT Master (Padova, Bordeaux) at the University of Padova, Italy. She currently works as Devops engineer at Atos Conseils et solutions in France.

Dr. Theophilus Quachie ASENSO

While at AIMS, Theophilus studied the empirical modeling of the Ghanaian GDP was done by using the Box-Jenkins model which is also known as the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model (ARIMA). After AIMS, Theophilus worked as a production analyst in a timber firm for a year and then obtained a MSc. in Mathematics at Hohai

Dr. Alain Giresse TENE

While at AIMS, Giresse studied the chaos generalized synchronization of coupled Mathieu-Van der Pol and coupled Duffing-Van der Pol systems using fractional order derivatives. Giresse obtained his PhD from the University of Dschang, Cameroon in June 2021, and worked as Postdoctoral visiting Researcher under Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier at Paderborn University, Germany, from January 2023

Dr. Pierre Aime FEULEFACK

While at AIMS, Pierre Aimé studied the groundwater flow equation within an unconfined aquifer is modified using the concept of new derivative with fractional order without singular kernel recently proposed by Caputo and Fabrizio. Pierre Aimé is one of the awardee of the Professor Abbas Bahri Excellence fellowship for Graduate and Postdoctoral Research for the

Hervé Lionel Albert ONDOUA

While at AIMS, Hervé studied the functioning principle and the convergence of the Gauss-Seidel method. Furthermore, using the fork-join paradigm of the programming language Java, he implemented an efficient version for sparse matrices following the idea of Yueqiang Shang developed in his publication entitled A distributed memory parallel Gauss–Seidel algorithm for linear algebraic systems. Hervé

Annette Flavie NGO BABEM

While at AIMS, Annette’s work consisted in finding the singular locus of the section of a quasi-projective variety by the preimage of a general hyperplane by a regular map defined from the projective space over an algebraically closed field K of characteristic 0. Annette is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Kassel, Germany.

Mioratina Nomenjanahary Tanteliniaina

While at AIMS, Mioratina gave an overview of Machine learning and presented the classification algorithm for big data analysis. In addition, she gave a practical implementation of a classification problem with a chosen dataset to automatically build a predictive model for the analysis of the satisfaction of Santander bank’s customers with their banking experiences. Mioratina

Nedal Sayed Ebnouf

While at AIMS, Nedal worked on evaluating how nuclear energy can help Africa fulfil its power needs and demands. Particularly, she studied the modelling of the chain reaction in the nuclear reactor core by the use of the neutron diffusion equation and solving it in 1D. After AIMS, Nedal obtained Master 2 scholarship of Pan


While at AIMS, Lawson proposed a fast solution algorithm for structured linear systems with related g-Toeplitz matrices. Lawson is currently a Admin. & Finance officer in a Non-governmental Organization in Ghana.