While at AIMS, Joseph’s research was entitled “Modeling the Dynamics of a Forest Environment: Role of the Water Cycle”. The preservation of forests is one of the objectives of sustainable development and maintaining the health of our woods ought to be one of our top objectives. In line with this, Junior described the dynamics of
Student Type: Alumni
Aneva Doliciane Tsafack
While at AIMS, Aneva’s research focused on the impact of loss of immunity and seasonal fluctuations on the transmission of SARS-CoV-2. She found that the specific high transmission rate of the virus sets it apart from other viruses with similar characteristics. Interestingly, high levels of contamination can actually reduce epidemic peaks. Additionally, she found that
Scott Ulrich Jemea Ebolo
While at AIMS, Scott’s research focused on finding a new approach to identify different cancer types thanks to machine learning techniques, in order to help doctors make better diagnoses and reduce the death rate from cancer. After AIMS, Scott pursued the AIMS Industry Immersion Program (IIP), which came to reinforce his business managerial skills. He
Carele Feujio Wowo
While at AIMS, Carele used Machine Learning in the field of computer vision to train neural networks to learn patterns and features from images. She presented an approach to quantify the damaged part of the plums using deep convolutional neural networks with semantic segmentation. After AIMS, Carele participated in the Industry Immersion Program where she
While at AIMS, Meskerem conducted a study on a mathematical model of Salmonella infection within the community. His research incorporated the roles of animals and the environment in the transmission of the disease. Meskerem developed a new mathematical model that accounted for the dynamics of humans, animals, and bacteria in the environment. To determine which
Sandrine Wayou Fossouo
While at AIMS, Sandrine studied the potential impact of COVID-19 vaccination intervention in terms of the number of infections, mortality, and recovery model by the contact reduction interventions. She observed a decreased mortality and increased recoveries due to the vaccination, which is evidence of the efficiency of the COVID-19 vaccines. After AIMS, Sandrine was a
Victoria Oluwakemi Okesipe
While at AIMS, Victoria conducted a study on the causal relationship between climate change and the insurance industry’s performance. The study found that climate change has a negative impact on the industry, particularly on Property and Casualty insurance, and confirmed cointegration between climatic variables and insurance performance indicators. Her research suggests that insurance companies should
Cosmus Emmanuel Mwangangi
Cosmus’ essay was entitled “Concomitant Transmission of Different Strains of Corona Virus in the Population”, supervised by Prof. Martin Eichner and Prof. Georg Bader. The main focus was on studying the spread of different strains of corona virus in the population where vaccination has been fully implement to be able to recommend on the measures
Abigail Naa Amankwaa Abeo
While at AIMS, Abigail modelled the progression of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) bsed on a large longitudinal data set. She developed for each subject, a model to predict FEV1 values (a measure of lung function) and estimate their corresponding rate of decline. After AIMS, Abigail worked as a Data Science Junior Trainer for 10
Brice Kammegne Tcheugam
While at AIMS, Brice’s masters essay was about the theory of Non-linear semi groups generated by $j$-elliptic functional. Indeed, the goal was to give some conditions on an operator in order to have the well-posedness of a class of evolutive problem using some results in Functional analysis. Brice is currently a PhD student in Mathematics