AIMS Cameroon Students Visit CDC Rubber Factory & Banana Pack House

THE VISIT ENABLED AIMS CAMEROON STUDENTS TO FIND OUT WHAT MATHEMATICS CAN DO TO OPTIMIZE THE PERFORMANCE OF THE COMPANY On the 29th of October 2015, the students of AIMS Cameroon visited the Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC). The CDC is an Agro-Industrial complex that mainly grows, processes, markets locally, and export semi-finished rubber, palm oil,

A Bright African Scientist Returns to Africa

Bringing back Africa’s own talent – A bright African scientist returns to Africa: AIMS ARETÉ Junior Chairs programme launched in collaboration with the AIMS – Next Einstein Initiative and the Robert Bosch Stiftung Cape Town, South Africa/Stuttgart, Germany (July 24th, 2014)– One of Africa’s brightest young minds, the mathematician and computer scientist Dr. Antoine Tambue,has

Entrepreneurship for Scientist and Engineers in West Africa 2014

The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Ghana and the Institute of Physics (IOP), U.K, jointly organised the 2014 Entrepreneurship workshop at AIMS-Ghana campus, from 14th -18th July 2014. 39 participants from Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Burkina Faso and Kenya participated in the workshop designed to build entrepreneurial skills of Scientist and Engineers and accelerate commercialisation of