While at AIMS, Aline investigated laser-matter interaction especially in the laser inscription processes. Transparent materials with kerr nonlinearity such as fused silica is the material targeted by her study. Aline is currently a PhD student at the University of Douala, Cameroon.
Student Type: Alumni
While at AIMS, Truphena worked on Graphical Analysis of Survey Data with R and revealed the various issues associated with survey data using graphics as well as the importance of using graphics to analyze data. After AIMS, Truphena worked as a part-time lecturer in Statistics at the Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya. Currently, she is
Jecinta Mulongo
While at AIMS-Cameroon, Jecinta aimed was to detect anomalies in the fuel consumption data recorded from the field in a Telecom base station relying on the generator as a source of power. and compare the performance of the classifiers using machine learning based techniques. Jecinta currently works as Data Scientist at ICEA LION ASSET MANAGEMENT,
While at AIMS-Cameroon, Charlesquin discussed the theory of DBMS (Database Management Systems) and presented how he applied it during his internship to solve two problems: the registration of companies affiliated to the Cameroonian chamber of commerce and the data collection for survey purpose. Charlesquin is currently a PhD student at Heriot-Watt university, UK.
While at AIMS, Sylvain’s goal was to model a synchronous machine and then, study by means of simulation, using Simulink of Matlab, the effect of certain parameters on its electric properties. His results show that the generator is more stable for high values of inertia and very low frictions. Sylvain is currently an IT tutor
Gabin M. Nguegnang
While at AIMS, Gabin analyzed fuel consumption data of power generation plants then used it to train Machine Learning and Neural Networks models. His work revealed the origin and the key factors of an excessive fuel consumption of 84617 liters in 25 clusters over a period of 11 months. Then recommended to the company (ManPowerCam)
Yabo Gwladys VIDOGBENA
While at AIMS, Yabo tried to make a further investigation on the question of the unique currency in ECOWAS. Her methodology is based on the analysis of demand and supply shocks and she got the shocks after a structural VAR model estimation. She performed a PCA analysis to find out strong patterns in the shocks.
Valentin Eric Brice NKANA NGAN
While at AIMS, Valentin investigated the problem of a small agent who wishes to maximize his individual exponential utility from her income obtained from trading in the capital market, the additional security, and risk-exposure function. In particular, he used dynamical programming to solve the above optimal control problem. Valentin is currently a PhD student at
Dr. Romario Gildas FOKO TIOMELA
While at AIMS, Romario was interested in the optimal control of a diffusion equation with the control procedure varying due to some external perturbations. More precisely, he established an optimality system that characterizes the optimal control of a general heat equation governed by an operator depending on an unknown parameter and with missing boundary conditions.
Rabiat Ohunene ABDULAZIZ
While at AIMS, Rabiat investigated the structural and electronic properties and also the effect of pressure on ZrS2 and ZrS3 materials using Generalized Gradient Approximation-PerdewBurke-Ernzerhof (GGA-PBE) and the Hybrid Functional HSE06 functionals. After AIMS, Rabiat completed her Master studies in Algeria (PAU = Pan African University). She is currently a Tech4Dev Women Techsters Fellow, Nigeria.