While at AIMS, Radia studied statistical methods for detection of replication within the UK Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS) HIV and AIDS databases. Radia is currently a Data analyst at Linkmedia, e-commerce company in the United Arab Emirates.


While at AIMS, Prosper studied the efficiency of the Rankine cycle and of each component of the plant and also investigated how to improve the overall plant efficiency by using the exhausts to superheat the steam, by a further expansion in the turbine, and how to use the heat energy lost at the level of

Dr. Pauline Milaure NGUGNIE DIFFOUO

Dr. Pauline Milaure NGUGNIE currently serves as an insurance model validator at KBC Group in Belgium, a leading integrated bank-insurance group in Belgium, specializing in retail, private banking, SME, and mid-cap clientele. In her role, she meticulously evaluates and challenges models designed for insurance portfolios, offering invaluable insights and recommendations on their validity. While at


While at AIMS, Noé studied logistics related with the 2014 Ebola disease outbreak in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone. In the context of this humanitarian disaster, he analyzed how to satisfy the demands of the affected population at the lowest possible cost and proposed a stochastic multiobjective optimization method with a metaheuristic algorithm, to optimize


While at AIMS, Harold Amen mainly focused on the relationship between the nonexistence of very weak solutions of the stationary, elliptic problem and the instantaneous blow-up of solutions of the parabolic problem in the spirit of Brezis-Cazenave-Martel-Ramiandriosa in “Y. Martel H. Brezis, T. Cazenave and A. Ramiandriosa. Blow up for ut − δu = g(u)


While at AIMS, Vianney discussed the behavior of infectious diseases using stochastic SIS epidemic model. He first considered the deterministic SIS epidemic model and after used the stochastic SIS model under regime switching to establish the explicit solution of the stochastic SIS epidemic model and the threshold value. Vianney is currently a Lecturer at ECOLE

Kana Mebou Christelle Ines

While at AIMS, Ines analyzed the directed transport of nanoparticles in a ratchet system. She studied the motion of Hydrogen atoms driven by an optical flashing ratchet potential periodically modulated in space and time; and described the dynamics of the system by the time-dependent Schrödinger equation which she solved numerically using the split operator method.

Dr. Jean-Rassaire Fouefack

While at AIMS, Jean-Rassaire studied how to identify for a given concentration of the pollution data by the receptor, the sources emission rates. To investigate the source of these pollutants, he conducted an investigation on the existence and uniqueness of the very weak solution of the state equations and the solution of the control problem,

Hervé Nicolas Nbonsou

While at AIMS, Hervé discussed the state of electricity production from coal, biomass, wind, solar and hydro in five African states which are Cameroon, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana and Senegal. He treated these resources as primary energy resources for electricity production and for each country, he (i) gave their percentage in the national power supply;


Prominent Researcher in the Modelling of Infectious Diseases In late 2013, the worst outbreak of Ebola in history began in West Africa. By the time the outbreak had been contained more than two years later, the World Health Organization had reported over eleven thousand deaths, mainly in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. Notwithstanding the loss