AIMS-Cameroon, on Tuesday, May 18th, 2020, said goodbye to its 7th cohort of Structured Master’s Degree students in Mathematical Sciences. After undergoing 10 months of intense training and successfully defending their essays amidst the restrains that came with the Coronavirus pandemic, 33 Structured Master’s Degree students were awarded attestations to mark their successful completion of studies. The
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AIMS’ founder, Prof. Neil Turok, congratulates AIMS-Cameroon’s 2019-2020 graduates, urges them to go out and tackle Africa’s Challenges
The founder of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Prof. Neil Turok has heartily congratulated the AIMS-Cameroon 2019/2020 graduates for their hard work and excellent behavior which has produced a huge amount of success. Prof. Neil Turok took time out of his busy schedule to address the AIMS-Cameroon 2019/2020 cohort on the 18th of May 2020
AIMS TTP- trained teachers celebrate the first International Day of Mathematics
The AIMS Teacher Training Program (TTP) in partnership with Mastercard Foundation and the Government of Cameroon endeavours, as one of its strategic goals, to change the awareness and perception of mathematics in order to attract more students – especially girls – towards mathematics and STEM, and to assist them in becoming independent thinkers, problem solvers
Patrice Takam Lectures On Estimation Theory And Parametic/Non-Parametic Statistics
True to form, we have resisted the glitter and glam of the Data Science profession, refusing to stop at teaching our students how to fit models and draw actionable insight, and rather go two steps further in helping them gain a solid understanding of the fundamentals at play to support a balance in their ability
AIMS-Cameroon’s Chief Operating Officer equips students during a one-week professional development training
The Chief Operating Officer of AIMS-Cameroon, Mr. Honore Youfegnuy Bernard has organized and delivered a five-day professional development training to AIMS-Cameroon students. In today’s labor market, employability is a key factor for graduates and an immediate transition from school to work life or a well-defined career path is highly essential. The African Institute for Mathematical
36 Cameroonians armed with Big Data for Development Skills, thanks to the AIMS Next Einstein Initiative
Selected based on their passion for Data Science and Big Data Analytics, with at least a 4 years’ undergraduate degree or a minimum 2 to 3 years of work experience as a professional in Statistics, Information and Technology and other Data Science related topic, 36 young Cameroonians including 15 females convened at the AIMS TTP
Hats doffed for AIMS-Cameroon’s Second Batch of Co-operative Masters Students
Clad in blue caps and gowns, 9, consisting of 3 females from 4 African countries, on Friday, February 21,2020, turned their cursors from left to right as Prof. Horace Ngomo Manga, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea and Representative of the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, pronounced them AIMS-Cameroon Co-op Master graduates 2018-2020.
AIMS-Cameroon Inaugurates third ultra-modern laboratory, a step further in demystifying Mathematics
The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, AIMS, through its Teachers Training Programme, TTP, has inaugurated an ultra-modern Centre and Laboratory at the University of Buea, precisely at their G-block facility. The four-in-one laboratory worth over FCFA 50 million is the third of its kind, with the first hosted at the AIMS TTP headquarters (ENS Yaoundé)
Call for applications for the Big Data Analytics with Python, Yaoundé Cameroon
As part of the capacity development pillar of the Big Data for Development project, AIMS-NEI designed, the Big Data for Development Short Course Program (BD4D-SCP) and training sessions are delivered across the AIMS-NEI network, in Rwanda, Senegal and now in Cameroon. The course targets people with passion in Data Science in general and in particular
One of the goals of AIMS is to create positive social and economic transformation in sub-Saharan Africa through Mathematical Sciences. Students are encouraged to give back by investing their skills in the community during their studies at AIMS. In accordance with the above, some students visited Saker Baptist College Secondary school. The aim of the