His coming to AIMS Cameroon’s Centre of Excellence in Limbe every year is always full extracurricular expectations and surprises. Beyond leading brilliant students from several African countries into the labyrinths of mathematical modelling, Prof. Martin Eichner is an unbeatable ice-breaker away from the classroom. Students of every cohort he has taught over several years keep
News Type: News
Prof. Martin Eichner Introduces Students To “Berkeley Madonna” Modelling Software
During a lecture on April 9th at AIMS Cameroon’s Centre of Excellence in Limbe, Prof. Martin Eichner introduced Master’s Degree students on Modelling using Berkeley Madonna; a mathematical modelling software package, developed at the University of California at Berkeley and designed to numerically solve systems of ordinary differential equations as fast as possible. To enable
ACADEMICS: Marco’s Rhythm And Our Week-End Ways
The intense pressure that characterises our program is so nicely weaved into our daily lives, so much that you will never feel it until it’s weekend. For the students who arrive at the gates of our campus realizing only that, they finally are a stone throw away from the promise of Africa, there is never
AIMS TTP Trains 26 North West Cluster Leaders in Bamenda
26 (22 men, 04 women) from 23 schools in the North West Region gathered at the Regional Delegation for Secondary Education North West Region in Bamenda on March 12th for a one-day training organised by AIMS TTP Cameroon, in partnership with Mastercard Foundation and the Government of Cameroon. A review of activities of the 23
AIMS-Cameroon Regrets the Passing of Prof. Thomas Rusuhuzwa Kigabo
He was a fervent contributor to the academic development of AIMS-Cameroon students. Prior to his passing, Prof. Thomas Kigabo was a seasoned visiting lecturer of Econometrics at the AIMS-Cameroon Centre of Excellence, inspiring through his lectures and personality the next generation of African scientists. His passing is indeed a great loss, not just for AIMS-Cameroon
Mathematics Students Produce TABLE MATS During Lesson Activity In Bafoussam
After earrings, 5eme C (Form II) students of Lycée Classique in Bafoussam have achieved another income-generating skill during a Mathematics assignment on Regular Polygon Shapes given by their AIMS TTP-trained Mathematics teacher Solange Foka. The December 17th-20th weekend assignment was to produce a set of Table Mats using a polygon shape of their choice. “Let
AIMS TTP Empowers 85 Secondary School Principals in Noun Division
AIMS TTP closed the year 2020 by creating awareness on new methods of teaching Mathematics during its 8th Principals’ Awareness seminar attended by 85 Principals of 76 Secondary schools in Noun Division of the West Region. The one-day Workshop which took place on the 29th of December 2020, at ENIEG Privé Bilingue Laïque PEKEKUE in
AIMS TTP Is Changing Students’ Poor Perception About Mathematics
The overall GOAL of AIMS Cameroon’s Teacher Training Programme is to improve the quality of teaching and learning of Mathematics in Cameroon to enrich the pipeline of students going to STEM education at tertiary level. The enthusiasm, creative arts, mathematical thinking and income-generating skills demonstrated by secondary school students across the country during the celebration
AIMS TTP Sensitises 47 Principals in Bertoua
A delegation of trainers from AIMS Cameroon’s Teacher Training Program (AIMS TTP) was in Bertoua, headquarter of the East Region, on the 1st of April 2021 to sensitise 47 principals, eight of whom were women. Prominent among complains by secondary school mathematics teachers during AIMS TTP workshops across the country is the lack of an
AIMS Cameroon to Host Humboldt Feodor-Lynen Fellowship Laureate
Limbe, April 05 2021 – The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has awarded Dr. Mrs Floriane Mefo Kue, a mathematician of Cameroonian origin, the prestigious Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship for a two-year research stay at AIMS Cameroon. Dr. Kue will undertake the fellowship from August 2021 at AIMS Cameroon, with the Centre’s President, Prof. Mama Foupouagnigni as