L’enseignante au lycée bilingue de Toula-Ndzong dans la région de l’Ouest, département de la Menoua, arrondissement de Dschang a soutenu le 31 Mai 2021 une thèse de Doctorat/Ph.D en mathématiques ayant pour thème: “Contribution à la modélisation et à l’analyse de l’écoulement d’un fluide sous l’influence d’un champ magnétique ou de la chaleur” avec mention
News Type: News
THREE MINUTE THESIS Competition: Patrick, Celeste, Ingrid, Abdel Qualify For Next Round
2020-2021 cohort students of AIMS Cameroon yesterday began taking turns before a jury and their peers to present their ongoing end-of-course research projects in Season 3 of the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition. The jury which was composed of the Academic Director Prof. Marco flanked by Development Specialist Daniel Matute Effange and Communicator George Mbella,
Students Learn Scientific Storytelling and Audience Engagement Techniques
AIMS Cameroon’s Academic Director, Prof. Marco Garuti, and his band of teaching assistants have set the ball rolling on this year’s Science Communication Challenge – the Three Minute Thesis – by organising the traditional Scientific Storytelling and Audience Engagement seminar, to drill the students on how to communicate scientific content to non-technical audiences. The two-part
BHS Kumba Form 5 Students Determine Arithmetic Progression Using Matchsticks
Mathematics teacher ANYAH SAMUEL MEYA is teaching Mathematics differently in Baptist High School Kumba and this has not ceased to amaze his students. With lessons learnt on Class Management and Conception of Lesson Activities during his AIMS TTP training in Limbe, teacher Anya Samuel taught the Lesson “The Nth Term of an Arithmetic Progression” differently
AIMS Cameroon Celebrates International Day of Light 2021
In partnership with the International Association of Physics Students (IAPS), AIMS Cameroon actively took part in this year’s celebration of the International Day of Light on May 16th, under the theme, “Trust Science.” This day seeks to appreciate the role of light in science, culture, and art, education, and sustainable development. The day also marks the anniversary of the first
80 Candidates Contest Tomorrow in AIMS TTP’s Pioneer National Olympiads
The AIMS TTP National Olympiads has been set for tomorrow Saturday May 15th 2021. 80 lead candidates from the Regional Olympiads of all ten regions of Cameroon, representing the English and French sub-systems of education, will contest. The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Teacher Training Program (AIMS TTP) Cameroon, recently organized Regional Olympiads with equal
AIMS Cameroon Celebrates “International Women in Mathematics Day” With Fun And Experiences
After exhibiting talents in music and drama in recent events, students of AIMS Cameroon’s 2020/2021 cohort have proven once again their gifts in entertainment by filling the ceremony to celebrate the International Women in Mathematics Day on May 12th with lots of fun. The ball was set rolling for the celebration by the Chief Operating
AIMS TTP Trains 33 Pre-Service Teachers in ENS Bertoua
The AIMS Teacher Training Program (AIMS TTP) in partnership with Mastercard Foundation and the Government of Cameroon yesterday May 12th began training 33 pre-service teachers of Levels 2 and 4 in the Higher Teacher Training College (ENS) Bertoua, East Region. The workshop was officially opened by the Head of the Mathematics Department, representing the Director
AIMS Students Mentor Limbe High School Students With Computer Programming, Personal Branding
10 students from Government High School (GHS) Limbe and Government High School (GHS) Bonadikombo, Mile 4 in Limbe arrived AIMS Cameroon’s Centre of Excellence on May 11th for the first of four mentorship sessions under AIMS Cameroon’s Give Back academic program. Nine AIMS students mobilised under the Mentorship Give Back Group for the sessions yesterday
Prof. Olivier Menoukeu Pamen Introduces Students to Stochastic Analysis
Prominent on campus in Limbe this week, the course aims at giving the students a basic foundation on Stochastic Analysis. Visiting lecturer Prof. Olivier Pamen is introducing the students to stochastic analysis with emphasis on Brownian motion, Itos integral, Itos formula and applications as well as stochastic differential equation. The theoretical results are illustrated with